Chronography, Part 1 (Chronicon Syriacum) - ܦܠܓܘܬܐ ܩܕܡܝܬܐ ܕܟܪܘܢܘܓܪܦܝܐ
- Chronography, Part 1 (Chronicon Syriacum)
- ܦܠܓܘܬܐ ܩܕܡܝܬܐ ܕܟܪܘܢܘܓܪܦܝܐ2, 9
- Chronicon Syriacum8
- Syriac Chronicle8
- Syrische Chronik9
- The First Part of the Chronography5
- ܡܰܟܬܒܢܽܘܬ ܙܰܒܢ̈ܶܐ ܕܥܠܡܐ13
- Weltgeschichte13, 25
- Universal History, Part i.22
- History of the World22
- Pars Prima [Chronographiae]24
- Pars I. Chronicon Patrum, & Regum33
Date: mid-late 13th century
Extent: 2 parts 11 chapters approximately 200 folios approximately 550 pages
Reference Numbers
- Paulus Jacobus Bruns and Georg Wilhelm Kirsch, Bar-Hebraei Chronicon Syriacum e codicibus Bodleianis (Leipzig: A.F. Boehme, 1789)., vol: 2, Note:
Includes continuation to the year 1297.
(Lawd:Edition based on
Syriaca:Manuscript 2, 1.) - Paulus Bedjan, Gregorii Barhebræi Chronicon Syriacum e codd. mss. emendatum ac punctis vocalibus
adnotationibusque locupletatum (Paris: Maisonneuve, 1890). Note:
Includes continuation to the year 1297.
(Lawd:Edition based on
Lawd:Edition 1.) [With corrections from unspecified manuscripts] - "Syriac Texts." in E. A. Wallis Budge (ed.), The Chronography of Gregory Abû'l-Faraj 1225-1286 the Son of Aaron, the Hebrew Physician
Commonly Known as Bar Hebraeus Being the First Part of His Political History of the
World vol. 2 (London: Oxford Univ. Press, H. Milford, 1932). (Lawd:Edition based on
Syriaca:Manuscript 2.) [Facsimile of manuscript] - Georg Heinrich Bernstein, Ankuendigung und Probe: Einer neuen kritischen Ausgabe und neuen Uebersetzung der syrischen Chronik des Gregor Bar-Hebræus (Berlin: A. Asher und Comp., 1847)., pp: 1-4 (Syr.), Note: Contains only the first few pages of the Chronicle.
- Paulus Jacobus Bruns, De rebus gestis Richardi Angliæ regis in Palæstina: excerptum ex Gregorii Abulpharagii Chronico syriaco (Oxonii: D. Prince & J. Cooke, 1780)., pp: I-XI (Syr.), Note: Contains a short excerpt from the Chronicle.
- Julious Yeshu‘ Çiçek, Maktbānūt zabnē men rīšā da-brītā ‘dammā la-šnat 1285 m. d-sīm I-yaddu‘tānā rabbā
mār Grīgōriyōs Yōḥannān mapryānā mšabbḥā d-madnḥā d-metdallal Bar ‘Ebrāyā (Glane / Losser: Bar Hebraeus Verlag, 1987). (Lawd:Edition based on
Lawd:Edition 2.)
- Oxford, Bodleian Libraries, Huntingdon 1 , pp 420-556
- Oxford, Bodleian Libraries, Huntingdon 52 , folio 1-188
- Vatican, Sir. 166 , folio 1-243v
- Vatican, Sir. 383 Note: This manuscript contains the beginning of the chronicle through the year A.D. 1034 (A.G. 1346).
- Vatican, Sir. 384 Note: This manuscript is a continuation of Vat. sir. 383, from the years A.D. 1035 (A.G. 1347) to A.D. 1201 (A.G. 1513).
- Vatican, Sir. 385 Note: This manuscript is a continuation of Vat. sir. 384, from the years A.D. 1202 (A.G. 1514) to A.D. 1288 (A.G. 1600).
- Firenze BML Or. 366 Note: Assemani does not mention which folios part 1 comprises.
- Vatican, Sir. 167 , folio 1-161
- Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, Sachau 210 , folio 1-128
- Latin:
735 Chronicon Syriacum
, vol: 1, (Syriaca:ModernTranslation based on
Lawd:Edition 1.) - English:
Ernest A. Wallis Budge, The Chronography of Gregory Abû’l Faraj the Son of Aaron, the Hebrew Physician, Commonly
known as Bar Hebraeus, Being the First Part of His Political History of the World (London: Oxford University Press, 1932). Note:
Wilmshurst calls this “a clotted English translation ... which has not yet been replaced by anything better.”
. (Syriaca:ModernTranslation based on
Lawd:Edition 2.) - English:
Robert Bedrosian (ed.), Bar Hebraeus' Chronography: Translated from Syriac (2009). (Syriaca:ModernTranslation based on
Syriaca:ModernTranslation 2.) - Latin: Georg Heinrich Bernstein, Ankuendigung und Probe: Einer neuen kritischen Ausgabe und neuen Uebersetzung der syrischen Chronik des Gregor Bar-Hebræus (Berlin: A. Asher und Comp., 1847)., pp: 1-4 (Lat.), Note: Contains only the first few pages of the Chronicle.
- Latin: Paulus Jacobus Bruns, De rebus gestis Richardi Angliæ regis in Palæstina: excerptum ex Gregorii Abulpharagii Chronico syriaco (Oxonii: D. Prince & J. Cooke, 1780)., pp: 5-11 (Lat.), Note: Contains a short excerpt from the Chronicle.
- Arabic:
اسحق ارملة, "تاريخ الدول السرياني." المشرق vol. 43-50 (1949, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956). Note:
An excerpt beginning at Bejdan 95.4 (Dynasty 10) and continuing to the end.
(Syriaca:ModernTranslation based on
Lawd:Edition 2.) - Arabic:
اسحق ارملة and فييه جان موريس (eds.), تاريخ الزمان (بيروت: دار المشرق, 1986). Note:
This is a republication of Ishaq Armalet's translation in al-Mashriq, but starts at
Bedjan, page 122
regarding Abū al-ʿAbbās and has an added introduction by Fiey.
(Syriaca:ModernTranslation based on
Lawd:Edition 2.) - Turkish:
Ömer Rı̇za Doğrul (ed.), Abûʼl Farac tarı̇hı̇, Türk Tarih Kurumu yayınlarından 2, (Ankara: Türk Tarı̇h Kurumu Basımevı̇, 1945-1950) (Syriaca:ModernTranslation based on
Syriaca:ModernTranslation 2.) - Russian: Рауф Алишир Гусейнов, Сирийские источники XII–XIII вв. об Азербайджане (Баку: Издательство АН АзССР, 1960)., pp: 61-83, Note: Excerpts .
- Italian: Ada Rosanna Marino, Confronto tra il <i>Ta’rīḫ muḫtaṣar ad-duwal</i> e il <i>Chronicon Syriacum</i> di Abū l-Farağ Ibn al-‘Ibrī (Barebreo) (2002-2003)., pp: 53-166, Note: Excerpts of parts corresponding to Bedjan 263.25-408.2 (the period of 1097-1203) .
Incipit (Opening Line)
Works Cited
Any information without attribution has been created following the editorial guidelines.
- 1 Paulus Jacobus Bruns and Georg Wilhelm Kirsch, Bar-Hebraei Chronicon Syriacum e codicibus Bodleianis (Leipzig: A.F. Boehme, 1789)., vol: 2, Note: Includes continuation to the year 1297.
- 2 Paulus Bedjan, Gregorii Barhebræi Chronicon Syriacum e codd. mss. emendatum ac punctis vocalibus adnotationibusque locupletatum (Paris: Maisonneuve, 1890). Note: Includes continuation to the year 1297.
- 3 "Syriac Texts." in E. A. Wallis Budge (ed.), The Chronography of Gregory Abû'l-Faraj 1225-1286 the Son of Aaron, the Hebrew Physician Commonly Known as Bar Hebraeus Being the First Part of His Political History of the World vol. 2 (London: Oxford Univ. Press, H. Milford, 1932).
- 4 Chronicon Syriacum , vol: 1,
- 5 Ernest A. Wallis Budge, The Chronography of Gregory Abû’l Faraj the Son of Aaron, the Hebrew Physician, Commonly known as Bar Hebraeus, Being the First Part of His Political History of the World (London: Oxford University Press, 1932). Note: Wilmshurst calls this “a clotted English translation ... which has not yet been replaced by anything better.” .
- 6 H. Takahashi, "Bar ʿEbroyo, Grigorios." in Sebastian P. Brock et al. (eds.), The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2011)., pp: 55.
- 7 Hidemi Takahashi, Barhebraeus: A Bio-Bibliography (Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias Press, 2005), pp: 74-76, 277-288, Note: See here for additional secondary literature on the Chronicle and other editions/translations.
- 8 David Wilmshurst, Bar Hebraeus. The Ecclesiastical Chronicle, Gorgias Eastern Christian Studies 40 (Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias Press, 2016), pp: vii-lx.
- 9 Georg Heinrich Bernstein, Ankuendigung und Probe: Einer neuen kritischen Ausgabe und neuen Uebersetzung der syrischen Chronik des Gregor Bar-Hebræus (Berlin: A. Asher und Comp., 1847)., pp: 1-4 (Syr.), Note: Contains only the first few pages of the Chronicle.
- 10 Georg Heinrich Bernstein, Ankuendigung und Probe: Einer neuen kritischen Ausgabe und neuen Uebersetzung der syrischen Chronik des Gregor Bar-Hebræus (Berlin: A. Asher und Comp., 1847)., pp: 1-4 (Lat.), Note: Contains only the first few pages of the Chronicle.
- 11 Paulus Jacobus Bruns, De rebus gestis Richardi Angliæ regis in Palæstina: excerptum ex Gregorii Abulpharagii Chronico syriaco (Oxonii: D. Prince & J. Cooke, 1780)., pp: I-XI (Syr.), Note: Contains a short excerpt from the Chronicle.
- 12 Paulus Jacobus Bruns, De rebus gestis Richardi Angliæ regis in Palæstina: excerptum ex Gregorii Abulpharagii Chronico syriaco (Oxonii: D. Prince & J. Cooke, 1780)., pp: 5-11 (Lat.), Note: Contains a short excerpt from the Chronicle.
- 13 Julious Yeshu‘ Çiçek, Maktbānūt zabnē men rīšā da-brītā ‘dammā la-šnat 1285 m. d-sīm I-yaddu‘tānā rabbā mār Grīgōriyōs Yōḥannān mapryānā mšabbḥā d-madnḥā d-metdallal Bar ‘Ebrāyā (Glane / Losser: Bar Hebraeus Verlag, 1987).
- 14 , pp 420-556
- 15 , folio 1-188
- 16 Robert Payne Smith, Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae. Pars sexta: Codices syriacos, carshunicos, mendaeos, complectens (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1864)., entry: 122.9, column: 395-398, entry: 167, column: 548-550.
- 17 اسحق ارملة, "تاريخ الدول السرياني." المشرق vol. 43-50 (1949, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956). Note: An excerpt beginning at Bejdan 95.4 (Dynasty 10) and continuing to the end.
- 18 اسحق ارملة and فييه جان موريس (eds.), تاريخ الزمان (بيروت: دار المشرق, 1986). Note: This is a republication of Ishaq Armalet's translation in al-Mashriq, but starts at Bedjan, page 122 regarding Abū al-ʿAbbās and has an added introduction by Fiey.
- 19 Ömer Rı̇za Doğrul (ed.), Abûʼl Farac tarı̇hı̇, Türk Tarih Kurumu yayınlarından 2, (Ankara: Türk Tarı̇h Kurumu Basımevı̇, 1945-1950)
- 20 Рауф Алишир Гусейнов, Сирийские источники XII–XIII вв. об Азербайджане (Баку: Издательство АН АзССР, 1960)., pp: 61-83, Note: Excerpts .
- 21 Ada Rosanna Marino, Confronto tra il <i>Ta’rīḫ muḫtaṣar ad-duwal</i> e il <i>Chronicon Syriacum</i> di Abū l-Farağ Ibn al-‘Ibrī (Barebreo) (2002-2003)., pp: 53-166, Note: Excerpts of parts corresponding to Bedjan 263.25-408.2 (the period of 1097-1203) .
- 22 William Wright, A Short History of Syriac Literature (London: A. and C. Black, 1894)., pp: 278-279.
- 23 , folio 1-243v
- 24 Stefanus Evodius Assemani and Joseph Simonius Assemani, Bibliothecæ Apostolicæ Vaticanæ codicum manuscriptorum catalogus. Partis primæ, tomus tertius, complectens reliquos codices chaldaicos sive syriacos (Roma: Ex typographia linguarum orientalium, 1759)., pp: 338-342.
- 25 Anton Baumstark, Geschichte der syrischen Literatur, mit Ausschluss der christlich-palästinensischen Texte (Bonn: A. Marcus und E. Weber, 1922)., pp: 318-319.
- 26 Note: This manuscript contains the beginning of the chronicle through the year A.D. 1034 (A.G. 1346).
- 27 Angelo Mai, "Codices chaldaici sive syriaci Vaticani Assemaniani." in Idem (ed.), Scriptorum veterum nova collectio e vaticanis codicibus edita. Tomus 5 (Romae: Typis Vaticanis, 1831)., pp: 48, entry: 126-128.
- 28 Note: This manuscript is a continuation of Vat. sir. 383, from the years A.D. 1035 (A.G. 1347) to A.D. 1201 (A.G. 1513).
- 30 Note: This manuscript is a continuation of Vat. sir. 384, from the years A.D. 1202 (A.G. 1514) to A.D. 1288 (A.G. 1600).
- 32 Note: Assemani does not mention which folios part 1 comprises.
- 33 Stefanus Evodius Assemani, Bibliothecæ Mediceæ Laurentianæ et Palatinæ codicum mss. orientalium catalogus (Florence: Typographia Albiziniana, 1742)., pp: 190-197, entry: 118.
- 34 , folio 1-161
- 35 , folio 1-128
- 37 Robert Bedrosian (ed.), Bar Hebraeus' Chronography: Translated from Syriac (2009).
- 37 Eduard Sachau, Verzeichniss der syrischen Handschriften der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin, Die Handschriften-Verzeichnisse der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin 23 (Berlin: A. Asher & Co, 1899), vol: 2, pp: 721, entry: 237.
How to Cite This Entry
Nathan P. Gibson et al., “Chronography, Part 1 (Chronicon Syriacum) — ܦܠܓܘܬܐ ܩܕܡܝܬܐ ܕܟܪܘܢܘܓܪܦܝܐ .”, edited by Nathan P. Gibson and David A. Michelson., edited by Nathan P. Gibson et al.. The Syriac Reference Portal, 2016. Entry published December 12, 2016. this Entry
Entry Title: Chronography, Part 1 (Chronicon Syriacum) — ܦܠܓܘܬܐ ܩܕܡܝܬܐ ܕܟܪܘܢܘܓܪܦܝܐ
Additional Credit:
- Editing, data entry, and reconciling by Nathan P. Gibson
- Editing, proofreading, data architecture, and encoding by David A. Michelson
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