Gateway to the Syriac Saints: A Database Project
Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent, Marquette University has created an open-access digital research portal for the study of Syriac saints and hagiographic texts 1 . It is a two-volume database entitled The Gateway to the Syriac Saints.
The first volume, Qadishe or “saints” in Syriac, is a digital catalogue of saints or holy persons venerated in the Syriac tradition. Some saints are native to the Syriac- speaking milieu, whereas other texts come from other linguistic or cultural traditions.
The second volume, the Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriaca Electronica or BHSE is a digital reference catalogue on Syriac hagiographic texts. The BHSE contains the titles of over 1800 Syriac stories, hymns, and homilies on saints. It organized according to text and includes authors’ or hagiographers’ names, the first and last lines of the texts, bibliographic information, and the names of the manuscripts containing these hagiographic works. We have also listed modern and ancient translations of these works.
All of the data in the Gateway to the Syriac Saints has been encoded in TEI, and it is fully searchable, linkable, and open.