Decorative Arch, Resafa, Syria. Copyright, Daniel Schwartz.

Relations entities (persons, places, works, manuscripts, etc.) use the TEI relation element to show connections among them. According to TEI P5 Guidelines the <relation> element "describes any kind of relationship or linkage amongst a specified group of places, events, persons, objects or other items." []

Each of the relations also has an RDF equivalent (in syriaca or other namespaces) and can be serialized as RDF.

Relation Attributes uses the following attributes on the <relation> element:

Attribute TEI Definition Contains
@name "supplies a name for the kind of relationship of which this is an instance." [] the name of an RDF relationship class that describes this relationship, such as syriaca:commemorates or snap:DaughterOf.
@type "characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology." [B] the general category of relationship being described, such as disambiguation. uses this determine how this relationship should be visualized on the human-readable page.
@active "identifies the 'active' participants in a non-mutual relationship, or all the participants in a mutual one." [] the URI of the active entity (e.g., If that entity is defined in the current document, a pointer to the element that defines it may replace the URI (e.g., #person-376). Multiple URIs are allowed and may be separated by whitespace.
@mutual "supplies a list of participants amongst all of whom the relationship holds equally." [] the URIs of mutual entities in the relationship, separated by whitespace (e.g., If one of the entities is defined in the current document, a pointer to the element that defines it may replace the URI (e.g., #person-376
@passive "identifies the 'passive' participants in a non-mutual relationship." [] the URI of the passive entity (e.g., If that entity is defined in the current document, a pointer to the element that defines it may replace the URI (e.g., #person-13). Multiple URIs are allowed and may be separated by whitespace.
@source "provides a pointer to the bibliographical source from which a quotation or citation is drawn." [B] the URI of the source that supports this relation description (e.g., (This should point to the actual instance of the edition/translation [], or manuscript where this support is found [], rather than to the ideal work -- that is, not [].) If that source is defined in the current document, a pointer to the element that defines it may replace the URI (e.g., #bib13-1). Multiple URIs are allowed and may be separated by whitespace.

Relation Names

@name (@type) Entities Prose Example
syriaca:born-at person (@active) - place (@passive) [Person] was born at [place]. Athanasios II of Balad was born at Balad.
<relation name="syriaca:born-at" active="" passive="" source="#bib109-2"> <desc xml:lang="en">This person was born at a known location.</desc> </relation>
syriaca:commemorated work (@active) - person (@passive) [Work] commemorates [person]. Nicholas of Myra (text) commemorates Nicholas of Myra.
<relation name="syriaca:commemorated" active="" passive="" source="bib345-1"/>
syriaca:died-at person (@active) - place (@passive) [Person] died at [place]. Yaʿqub bar Shakko died at Mor Matay.
<relation name="syriaca:died-at" active="" passive="" source="#bib231-2"> <desc xml:lang="en">This person died at a known location.</desc> </relation>
syriaca:different-from (disambiguation) any entities of the same type (@mutual) [Entities] are not identical but have been or could be confused. Quryaqos should be distinguished from several other people with the same name.
<relation type="disambiguation" name="syriaca:different-from" mutual=""> <desc>Not the same as Quryaqos of Tella (; Quryaqos of Amid (; Quryaqos of Segestan (; or Quryaqos (</desc> </relation>
syriaca:has-literary-connection-to-place person (@active)-place (@passive) [Person] has a literary connection to [place]. Severos has a literary connection to Armenia.
<relation name="syriaca:has-literary-connection-to-place" active="" passive=""/>
syriaca:has-relation-to-place (general) person (@active)-place (@passive) [Person] has an unspecified connection to [place]. Gabriel of Beth Rabban has an unspecified relation to Beth Shahaq and Mor Matay.
<relation name="syriaca:has-relation-to-place" active="" passive=""> <desc xml:lang="en">This author has an unspecified connection to places.</desc></relation>
syriaca:possibly-identical (disambiguation * ) persons (@mutual) [Person] is possibly identical to [person]. Aitalaha of Nineveh is possibly identical to Aitalaha.
<relation name="syriaca:possibly-identical" mutual=""> <desc xml:lang="en">This person is possibly identical to the person represented in another record. * </desc></relation>
syriaca:share-a-name (disambiguation * ) places (@mutual) [Place] shares a name with [place]. Atel (settlement) shares a name with Atel (region) and Atel (diocese).
<relation name="syriaca:share-a-name" mutual=""/>
syriaca:share-a-title (disambiguation) * works (@mutual) [Work] shares a title with [work]. Macarius (text) shares a title with work/513 and work/420.
<relation name="syriaca:share-a-title" mutual=""/>

* A suggested usage or modification that has not been implemented yet (as of 2015-11-13).

In addition to the above relations, also uses relation @name attributes derived from the SNAP ontology (with the prefix "snap:").



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