Decorative Arch, Resafa, Syria. Copyright, Daniel Schwartz.

About The Syriac Gazetteer


The Syriac Gazetteer is a geographical reference work of for places relevant to Syriac studies. “Places relevant to Syriac Studies” include places named in Syriac texts (such as Ḥarqel — ܚܪܩܠ), places interesting to historians who work on Syriac texts (such as Dura-Europos), and places where scholarship on Syriac is being produced (such as Japan). There are no temporal or spatial boundaries for the geographic database, which collects places relevant to any period of history useful for Syriac studies, from places mentioned in the Peshitta version of Genesis to places founded recently, and from ancient Edessa to Mongol-era outposts in China and diaspora communities in the United States of America. At least in theory, any type or size of place could be represented in the geographic database, from large empires to single churches or a particular named city gate. Maps are provided for places whose location is known, but the database includes places which are not located or even locatable: each place is a conceptual thing with a mental existence related to, but not reducible to, its physical manifestation. Mythological and other ahistorical places are also included in the database.

Editors and Contributors

General Editors

  • David A. Michelson
  • William L. Potter

Past General Editors

  • Thomas A. Carlson, 2014-2018

Senior Programmers

  • Tom Elliott
  • Winona Salesky

Technical Editors

  • David A. Michelson
  • Daniel L. Schwartz
  • William L. Potter

Advisory Editors

  • Sebastian P. Brock, Oxford University
  • Peter Brown, Princeton University
  • Aaron Butts, Yale University
  • Mark Dickens, University of Alberta
  • George A. Kiraz, Beth Mardutho: The Syriac Institute
  • Jonathan Loopstra, Capital University
  • Andrea Schmidt, Université catholique de Louvain
  • H. L. Murre-van den Berg, Universiteit Leiden
  • Hidemi Takahashi, University of Tokyo
  • Lucas Van Rompay, Duke University
  • Joel Walker, University of Washington
  • Anthony J. Watson, Brown University
  • David Wilmshurst, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Area Editors

  • Nicholas Al-Jeloo, University of Sydney
  • Thomas A. Carlson, Oklahoma State University
  • Mark Dickens, University of Alberta
  • Paul Dilley, University of Iowa
  • Philip Forness, Princeton Theological Seminary
  • Elif Keser-Kayaalp, Mardin Artuklu Üniversitesi
  • Jonathan Loopstra, Capital University
  • Kyle Smith, University of Toronto
  • Li Tang, Universität Salzburg
  • Anthony J. Watson, Brown University


    Copyright Status of The Syriac Gazetteer is committed to the free and open preservation of the world’s shared cultural heritage. Users are encouraged to reuse information from The Syriac Gazetteer.

    The Syriac Gazetteer is copyrighted and released under a “free culture” license, the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License ( This license lets anyone distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon our work, even commercially, as long as they credit for the original creation (and do not suggest that endorses them or their use of the work). Attribution for use of information from The Syriac Gazetteer should be modelled on the following citation:

    Michelson, David A. and William L. Potter, eds. The Syriac Gazetteer. Second Edition. Nashville, TN:, 2020-.

    A model citation can be found on most individual articles as well; users are encouraged to contact the editors to discuss other means of attribution.

    Funding for The Syriac Gazeteer was provided by:

    Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the National Endowment for the Humanities or any of the other sponsors.